Female Hostel Controversy

Wednesday we confirmed there was controversy in the girls hostel, block A precisely, Okay this exactly what happened.
Female President who has regularly been laying complains in respect of a 300L girl and her accomplice a 200L girl who are residents in her villa on a particular issue, on that faithful day Presido locked the bathroom and went out only for her to come back and the door was breached. She questioned those girls and they all ended up exchanging words that resulted to Presido breaking down emotionally.
...As soon as other 400L girls heard what
has been happening to our president they mobilized and gathered at block A for an emergency meeting. During the gathering the two girls were summoned for questioning, before we knew what was happening a final year girl that takes no nonsense raise horse whip 'koboko' and lashed one of 300L girl mercilessly. After that they made them knee and beg Presido for forgiveness after she was satisfied they let them go with a promise of dealing with any other student that fail to know their place. Humm no be small matter again o, that 300L girl called the Dean of Student Affairs and narrated the incidence to him, we also heard she called her Parents too.

The case has gone haywire and the disciplinary committee are currently carrying out their investigations, meanwhile those girls have been relocated to new rooms in Block B for the course of peace. Do you know one of those girls was placed in the same room with the 400L girl that takes no nonsense, I mean the same girl with the horse whip and it's for the course of peace? Well that's the whole matter for now and if anything else comes up i'd let you guys know.

Some of our Graduated folks I spoke with during the week that had their call up letter for service sent in their camp pictures and am gona share some below...

This week is gona be lecture free and exam starts Monday morning next week. Let's make more time for our books cos I believe that's the primary reason we here.

Power has been lifted from the Aso Rock Villa as rumours are spreading that the next SUG President is coming from Team Amazing or From the Resident Quarters of the Amazing Friends, so Shoutout to all the graduating friends of the Aso Rock Villa, Members of Team Amazing and fellow Welsuites.

Before I hibernate, those of Us that know Ikpe Deborah, she'd be getting Married on September 13th and she sends her warmest invitation, her wedding is in the city of Lagos and hotel reservations has been provided for Guests.

See You Guys When We See.